
Londonesque day #5

On this last day we would completey spend in London it was the most reasonable thing to just spend it on inhaling the city air and wander around to see the town from all possible angles.
Therefore this post is more about photographs than about what I have to say about it. 
Places I went to: 
Pete Dohertys (former?) house in Whitechapel, Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square, Southbank. I basically crossed the whole inner part of the city on feet, which wasn't more exhausting than exciting. Look at what I saw and captured!

A street in Whitechapel, East London
Collingwood House, where Petey live(d?)
I couldn't resist checking out the inner side of the house, and the middle door of the second row is (was?) his!
No, I'm not a stalker. His flat door, a close-up. :D
Still Whitechapel.

Covent Garden

On my way down to Trafalgar Square.

Trafalgar Square, National Gallery
Love Londons' fauna.

It was getting late.

Looks so vivid.
View from the Bridge near ... was it Waterloo?


One of my best shots.

Millenium Bridge.

Our group later that evening in a pub.
In my opinion, these were some of the best photos I've EVER made.


  1. Me gusta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woher wusstest du, dass Pete Doherty dort wohnt? Covent Garden ist einfach wunderbar fand ich, einfach super Atmosphäre. Ich war dort 2x während der Reise bei Masala Zone indisch essen! Es war wirklich sagenhaft!
    Bleibst du noch lange?
    Liebste Grüße, Coco

  2. da will man doch glatt weg von zuhause und was erleben. tolle fotos!


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