
the actual state of affairs

I might make it to London in late summer.
I have an idea for a film script and I'm working on the draft.
I might have lost weight but I'm not sure because my scales are broken.
I started doing some of my uni stuff and there's a slight chance I might finish it on time.
I'm not sure if I have survived the recent apocalypse.
It's getting warmer outside. Better times?
I look forward to Denmark in August.
I'm tired.
I'm constantly trying to sort out the music on my iPod but it's too much and I lack memory space.
I have discovered that Spotify is actually great.
I wish I had a photo of myself that I would like. There's not a single one I like at the moment.
I have masses of pictures in my head but somehow I feel to weak to pin them down with pens.
I ought to stop trying to express myself by all possible (and not always suitable) means.
I ought to stop worrying that much.
I try not to depend on the internet that much but not quite successfully.
I have lots of pretty new music.
I didn't do anything this weekend but lie in bed and not move much.
I have the same song stuck in my head since Thursday.
I discovered that Jamie Cullum likes Peter Doherty which made me incredibly happy. I love both.
I wish I didn't think about the future all the time.
I think I might treat myself to something from Accessorize tomorrow to cheer myself up.
I have an epic Rock Royalty T-Shirt by Clarks that I think I'll wear tomorrow.
I hate going to the hairdresser. Full fringe or no full fringe? No idea.
I would like to thank all new and old readers.
EDIT: Russia is Ice Hockey Champion!!!

Well, that's the state of affairs. Over.


  1. Ja, ich weiß :) Ich hatte den ganzen Abikram und dann auch noch privat einige, naja, Unannehmlichkeiten, aber jetzt ist alles wieder soweit geregelt, dem Bloggen steht nichts mehr im Wege :) Ich hoffe, es geht dir gut und du genießt das Frühlingswetter!

  2. Hey, das hört sich doch mal gut an. Na hoffentlich klappt das mit London, ich drücke dir jedenfalls die Daumen! :> Das Problem mit den Bildern habe ich zurzeit auch. Viele Ideen, die eigentlich sogar ganz interessant zu sein scheinen, aber ich bin viel zu faul und unmotiviert, sie zu Papier zu bringen. Dabei muss das echt sein, muss ja meine Bewerbungsmappe rechtzeitig fertig kriegen. Aber nein, ich bin eine faule Dreckssau. Wie immer.


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